Saturday, May 24, 2014

Incline Incline Incline Bar Trail

OK Everyone Tomorrow is the day for those who want to meet us the incline tomorrow Sunday May 25 at 8am. Bring your water and tennis shoes. Some will be taking the back way from Bar Trail and others will be doing the Incline up the stairs so don't feel bad if you don't think you could make it up all those stairs your not the only one. The attempt i what matters and the top is the accomplishment.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Energizing Water

We all know water is good for us and how just plain water is well just plain, We have found that water with fresh fruits vegetables and some fresh herbs will not only give you the water you need but the energy you want.

Take your favorite fruit and or veggies add ginger root and some mint. I like to add a couple dashes of Cayenne pepper for a small kick.

in a one gallon pitcher add 2 lemon slices 4 fresh mint leaves 4 thin slices of ginger root and then add the fruit and veggie of your choice. Fill with ice to hold down while adding water to help the infusion of flavor. Let sit in fridge for at least an hour. Pour and enjoy.

We like to fill and refill our water bottles all day. Make a variety for the week and repeat for next. It gives you all natural energy and the great flavor will keep you wanting more.

Don't forget Incline this Sunday at 8am and mention WeeTriedIt at Smoothie King next to Mattress King on Lake and Cheyenne Meadows in Colorado Springs and receive 10% off your smoothie purchase.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Incline Sunday!!!

Doing the incline again this Sunday!! Who's down? It'll be at 8am! Remember there is a 5$ parking fee!!

If you mention "WeeTriedIt" at smoothie king (on lake and Cheyenne meadows) they will give you 10% off of any purchase!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Facial, Under Arm, and Silky Smooth Hair

Sorry it has been a few day since lat post Victoria and I seem to have gotten a bug and shared it with each other.. Today is about some hygiene  tricks Victoria and I have both tried and found worked great for us.

First Dove and Secret Deodorants (not the Gels)... I have found on the day you shave your under arms as soon as you are out of the shower or your under arms are dry apply one of the two of your choice . Do this twice a day for smoother under arms. I have even found it has helped with any dark spots some have and made it easier to shave after applying soap or shaving cream.

Second Conditioner..... Thick creamy conditions move through thick hair with ease and less use.. Once hair is coated with conditioner of your choice let stay in hair for 3 to 20 minutes I usually put in at beginning of shower and let sit until end. When ready to rinse switch off or down the hot water to your tolerance and rinse hair completely.. This will usually leave hair softer and shinier than when using hot water. do this on the days you are not using the Epsom and Conditioner mix.

Third after washing face with cleanser of your choice rinse with cold this will still remove all dirt and close pores at same time for a tighter feel and softer skin. We also recommend the Epsom and Facial cleaner mix to be alternated and used twice a day as a more natural facial scrub.

We are going to test some mixes we have found that are said to help with Cellulite. This is in honor of any women or girls who have gone up and down in weight fast still active yet legs under arms and breasts still get those dimples... Those women who have had one or more children and no amount of running after your child lets that cellulite know you are trying.. As we finish one mixture we will post pictures and what we have tried. Please send anything you may have tried or have heard about and let us know.

Please don't forget mention our blog at Smoothie King off of Lake and Cheyenne Meadows next to Matress King and get 10% off your purchase

Saturday, May 17, 2014

What about you?

Is there anything you would like us to try? You could even just tell us your results on something and we can post it on our blog and Facebook! 
You can contact is at

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Incline and Bar Trail


In an attempt to change up our workout routine we decided take our chances with the Incline and Bar Trail in Manitou Colorado. We successfully made it to the top. Though there were times part way through we wanted to turn around and go back to the bottom, with encouragement from each other and drive from ourselves we pushed on. Now with the feeling of accomplishment we sit with slightly sore muscles in an overwhelmingly satisfied way.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Diet blogs

We have been reading different diet blogs and we have come to the conclusion that most contradict each other and some even have crazy ideas on how to lose weight in a "healthy" way that isn't all too healthy. Though everyone is entitled to their own ideas and opinions, we feel that before taking the advise on a diet blog, you should do some more research and see for you self how "healthy" it really is. Based on what we have been told by doctors and various trainers, eating six small meals each day is a healthier option and helps you lose weight more efficiently and effectively. Of course this is with moderate exercise and a good calorie intake. 

Don't forget about the incline tomorrow, Thursday May 15, 2014 

If you mention our blog at smoothie king off of Cheyenne meadows, you will get a 10% discount!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Epsom Salt Hair Treatment

Equal parts Epsom Salt and Conditioner of your choice massage into scalp and hair leave in for 15 minutes. rinse out during normal shower. DO NOT use shampoo on days you use Epsom Salt mixture. Do this treatment 2 times a week for smooth shiny hair. Victoria tried it tonight and in one use her hair was left full and shiny plus split ends seemed less noticeable. Thank you to our Blog reader Loy Oliver for this Excellent Epsom Treatment.. More to come..........

Remember Thursday My 16 at 9am we are meeting at the Incline located in Manitou Colorado.. Plus Mention seeing our Blog at the Smoothie King near the world arena across from Mattress Firm and receive a 10% discount. Try there new Veggie Smoothies, I have yet to have a bad smoothie they are Awesome.....

Monday, May 12, 2014

Switch it Up!

Next time you go for your workout, don't just go to the gym, go walk/ jog around your neighborhood! I not, you can even download an app on your phone and workout inside! 

For more information, contact us at:

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Epsom Facial Scrub

A new facial scrub from one of our Blog readers. 1/2 teaspoon Epsom salt  and 1 teaspoon favorite facial cleanser mix together well and then in a circular motion rub mixture on face. do this for 2 minutes and rinse off with cool water so to close pores. Try this in the morning and right before bed and in about a week you should start noticing smoothness and a clearer complexion. we will be posting our full result in one week.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Incline: Manitu springs, Colorado

Attempted the incline today! We went farther than we thought!! Going again this Thursday morning at 9 AM. If anyone would like to come along, common down below!!!  

For more information contact us at

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Epsom Salt Week!!

We have a whole list given to us about Epsom salt so we will be posting a variety of different experiments :) keep us posted on what you would like us to post :)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Give Us Your Ideas

We are looking for things to try within reason... Send us your ideas or facial recipes and health tips weather you have tried them or not. We will try them and add them to the blog giving you the recognition.

Remember mention our blog at Smoothie King on Lake and Cheyenne Meadows in Colorado Springs near the world Arena and receive 10% discount.

Friday, April 25, 2014

10% off at smoothie king!!!!

Smoothie king (off of lake and Cheyenne meadows) is offering a 10% discount for anyone who mentions our blog!! 

For more information contact us at:

Monday, April 21, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Petroleum jelly!!!

I have been using petroleum jelly on my lips for a month now after I had bit them to a bloody chapped mess. Now my lips are soft and moisturized perfectly!!!!! 

For more information contact us at:

Friday, April 11, 2014

Coconut oil!!

Using coconut oil has wonders for both Barbara and I! Who knew that something like coconut oil could do so much for you?! We have used it on our stomachs and legs, and got amazing results! It made our legs look more tan and helped to get rid of stretch marks on our stomachs!! I had also used the oil on my face as a moisturizer and it left my face clear of makeup and softer than it has been in a while. I was completely shocked that it worked as a makeup remover! There is so much more we have to try! 

For more information contact us at:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Workout Apps

We have been using apps found in the App Store and have been working out with those every night at 8 at night (along with working out at the gym every morning). We normally use the arm and leg workouts, but we have tried them all. The seem to work well and give us plenty of energy!! It is definitely worth a shot!

For more information you can contact us at

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Giving Our Water A Kick

Everyone knows that you should drink lots of water and stay hydrated, especially while working out. Victoria and I have found that giving our water a little flavor boost the natural way has helped us drink more water without reservations. we have tried the water 3 ways and have enjoyed each one and it is so refreshing you will never want to go back to plain water again.

1/2 a lemon sliced
1/3 cucumber sliced
1 table spoon fresh mint leaves
4 thin slices fresh ginger root

Place all items at bottom of pitcher add ice on top and then fill with water.
The ice is important it holds the ingredients down and helps infuse the water with flavor.
Place into fridge for at least 1 to 2 hours before drinking.

Fill glass or water bottle and enjoy.

1/2 Lemon sliced
1/3 cucumber sliced
1/2 mango sliced
1 table spoon fresh mint leaves
4 thin slices pf fresh ginger root

for a little more kick and boost 1 pinch of Cayenne pepper

We have been making and drinking various flavors of fresh water for 1 month now and take it everywhere. This has cut our soda intake down and I have slimmed down at least 1 inch around. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Coconut oil face mask

We decided to try our own face mask last night. We made it with coconut oil, egg white, honey, and lime. My niece CC and Barbara were the face dummies for this one! Though it left their faces soft, it didn't detox or refresh them in anyway.

Teeth whitening!!

Barbara and I tried a new way to whiten your teeth!! you just squeeze a lemon into baking soda until it is a thick-ish cream. We tried it just this morning and are amazed by the results!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Found a great place to get healthy yummy snacks check out and put in INVITE 5 for a free box of yummy fruit nuts and more. We just ordered ours and will update on contents and pictures when it arrives. Just copy and paste link above

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Addicted to Smoothie King

With everything that we've been trying each day I have to say my favorite so far is the times that we stop at smoothie king I am so totally addicted to the berry punch smoothie and Victoria is addicted to the mango fest smoothie. Each time we try to try something different today I did berry punch smoothie  add  pure energy recharge and diet down and victoria did mango fest add  energy. Each time we've tried this we've been very pleased with the results and have never had any unpleasant side effects. Today we also tried ostrich jerky again and new protein bar Victoria had the quest bar protein bar brownie and I had Greek yogurt coated granola bar cranberry almond and pop chips sour cream & onion potatoes. If you're looking for something refreshing during the day that's healthy for you I recommend smoothie king.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Honey & Lemon Face Mask

Tonight Barbara and I, Victoria, had found a picture on a 'tips' app that had a face mask that was "to die for."
We had high hopes for this mask and held it on for about 20 minutes if not longer, to only find out that it doesn't dry very well and is difficult to remove from your face. Though, it was refreshing after we rinsed our faces with water and left our faces smooth.

For more information or if you have anything you would like us to try, please contact us at:

Friday, March 14, 2014

Smoothie King Part 2

Barbara and I went to the Smoothie King for the second day and still have no complaints. We both ordered the same smoothies as before but we got different super-sizers. Barbara got the energy and I, Victoria, got energy and diet down. It didn't change the taste at all from what we got before and actually gave us more energy without having caffeine.
For more information or if you have anything you would like us to try, please contact us at:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Smoothie King

We were driving around looking for a smoothie place on our way home from the gym today and decided to go try the "Smoothie King" over by our local Target. Between our choices, we can honestly say that we just absolutely loved our smoothies and will definitely be going back soon! I, Victoria, ordered the 'Mango Blast' and Barbara ordered the 'Berry Punch' with an extra ingredient called, "diet down." If you are looking for a great smoothie, we would recommend the "Smoothie King."

For more information or if you have anything you would like us to try, please contact us at:

Listerine Foot Soak Part 2

Barbara and I decided to give the foot soak a second try. The results of this soak were shocking to both of us as our feet became tingly and refreshed. This time we did not care too much about the measurements as we didn't expect any differences. Though the skin still didn't just wipe off, we found that with a scrubbing "egg" you can scrub the skin off with less of a hassle.
For more information or if you have anything you would like us to try, please contact us at:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Peel-Off Face Mask

Our Tried It for tonight is an easy to make peel off face mask.. This contains jello and milk. Very sticky and took longer than 20 minutes to dry, then did not peel off as stated. I(Barbara) Liked the feel of my face and the fact it felt tighter after words however, Victoria was not happy on how hard it was to take off and it left her skin feeling irritated. this is not recommended for everyone. If you do not have sensitive skin and don't mind being sticky for 20 to 30 minutes this is the mask for you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Listerine Foot Soak

Well Victoria and I (Barbara) tried a foot soak it is suppose to allow you to literally wipe off dead skin from your feet. Vinegar, hot water, and Listerine... after 20 minutes of soaking no skin wiped off our feet were blue and the only up side was the minty smell for the next two days. This did not work.

Natrual Hair Curl

Last night Barbara and I had tried to curl our hair naturally by tying a long sock around our heads like a bandanna and rapping the hair around it letting it sit like that over night. It seemed like a pretty good idea as we were putting hairspray in our hair before bed. This morning we had woken up to find that Barbara's hair wasn't curly and my (Victoria) hair was in a huge knot! I would not recommend this method of curling hair. 
For more information or if you have anything you would like us to try, please contact us at:

Welcome to WeTriedIt

Hello, we are Victoria and Barbara. We are two sisters in Colorado who like to try new things with health and beauty that we find on the internet. In this blog we try something new and post our results. If you are curious on how anything works, you can contact us and we will try it and post the results! We can also be reached at