Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Facial, Under Arm, and Silky Smooth Hair

Sorry it has been a few day since lat post Victoria and I seem to have gotten a bug and shared it with each other.. Today is about some hygiene  tricks Victoria and I have both tried and found worked great for us.

First Dove and Secret Deodorants (not the Gels)... I have found on the day you shave your under arms as soon as you are out of the shower or your under arms are dry apply one of the two of your choice . Do this twice a day for smoother under arms. I have even found it has helped with any dark spots some have and made it easier to shave after applying soap or shaving cream.

Second Conditioner..... Thick creamy conditions move through thick hair with ease and less use.. Once hair is coated with conditioner of your choice let stay in hair for 3 to 20 minutes I usually put in at beginning of shower and let sit until end. When ready to rinse switch off or down the hot water to your tolerance and rinse hair completely.. This will usually leave hair softer and shinier than when using hot water. do this on the days you are not using the Epsom and Conditioner mix.

Third after washing face with cleanser of your choice rinse with cold this will still remove all dirt and close pores at same time for a tighter feel and softer skin. We also recommend the Epsom and Facial cleaner mix to be alternated and used twice a day as a more natural facial scrub.

We are going to test some mixes we have found that are said to help with Cellulite. This is in honor of any women or girls who have gone up and down in weight fast still active yet legs under arms and breasts still get those dimples... Those women who have had one or more children and no amount of running after your child lets that cellulite know you are trying.. As we finish one mixture we will post pictures and what we have tried. Please send anything you may have tried or have heard about and let us know.

Please don't forget mention our blog at Smoothie King off of Lake and Cheyenne Meadows next to Matress King and get 10% off your purchase

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