Thursday, March 27, 2014

Giving Our Water A Kick

Everyone knows that you should drink lots of water and stay hydrated, especially while working out. Victoria and I have found that giving our water a little flavor boost the natural way has helped us drink more water without reservations. we have tried the water 3 ways and have enjoyed each one and it is so refreshing you will never want to go back to plain water again.

1/2 a lemon sliced
1/3 cucumber sliced
1 table spoon fresh mint leaves
4 thin slices fresh ginger root

Place all items at bottom of pitcher add ice on top and then fill with water.
The ice is important it holds the ingredients down and helps infuse the water with flavor.
Place into fridge for at least 1 to 2 hours before drinking.

Fill glass or water bottle and enjoy.

1/2 Lemon sliced
1/3 cucumber sliced
1/2 mango sliced
1 table spoon fresh mint leaves
4 thin slices pf fresh ginger root

for a little more kick and boost 1 pinch of Cayenne pepper

We have been making and drinking various flavors of fresh water for 1 month now and take it everywhere. This has cut our soda intake down and I have slimmed down at least 1 inch around. 

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