Sunday, April 27, 2014

Give Us Your Ideas

We are looking for things to try within reason... Send us your ideas or facial recipes and health tips weather you have tried them or not. We will try them and add them to the blog giving you the recognition.

Remember mention our blog at Smoothie King on Lake and Cheyenne Meadows in Colorado Springs near the world Arena and receive 10% discount.

Friday, April 25, 2014

10% off at smoothie king!!!!

Smoothie king (off of lake and Cheyenne meadows) is offering a 10% discount for anyone who mentions our blog!! 

For more information contact us at:

Monday, April 21, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Petroleum jelly!!!

I have been using petroleum jelly on my lips for a month now after I had bit them to a bloody chapped mess. Now my lips are soft and moisturized perfectly!!!!! 

For more information contact us at:

Friday, April 11, 2014

Coconut oil!!

Using coconut oil has wonders for both Barbara and I! Who knew that something like coconut oil could do so much for you?! We have used it on our stomachs and legs, and got amazing results! It made our legs look more tan and helped to get rid of stretch marks on our stomachs!! I had also used the oil on my face as a moisturizer and it left my face clear of makeup and softer than it has been in a while. I was completely shocked that it worked as a makeup remover! There is so much more we have to try! 

For more information contact us at:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Workout Apps

We have been using apps found in the App Store and have been working out with those every night at 8 at night (along with working out at the gym every morning). We normally use the arm and leg workouts, but we have tried them all. The seem to work well and give us plenty of energy!! It is definitely worth a shot!

For more information you can contact us at